Sunday, February 4, 2018

Maternity Photos and a Girls Weekend

I took Kate and Kenna out of school Friday and Erin took the day off to join us for a roadtrip to Lauren's. It was worth all nine hours each way to spend a weekend with my girl one last time before she becomes a Mommy herself.

She wanted me to take her maternity photos to celebrate her 34th week and the pending birth of her son. We cannot wait to make our way back down at the end of March to meet him.

Taylor lead us into downtown Augusta for pizza and a brief tour of the river walk because whereas it was warmer than what we left in Louisville, it was still a breezy 46 degrees. But a birthday was celebrated at the table next to ours and when that party left, Lauren helped herself a piece of forgotten birthday cake! No one told Mrs. Preggo this was not appropriate. She scares us all a little these days.

This road trip was pretty sweet as it let me drink in their combined energy and world views. We are obviously in a transitional season. By the time we are all together again, my baby will be holding her own baby.

The nursery is ready with the exception of a shark sign containing his name over the crib. Other than her fears about labor, she is ready too. Baby Baird is coming soon and we are all beyond excited.

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