Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Christmas List

 We knocked a few items off Kate's Christmas "to do" list this weekend. Countdown chains, hot cocoa by the fire with Christmas music playing and some baking. Erin came to help which cut down the time investment considerably. Next up? Reindeer food bar and decorating cookies with a scavenger hunt competition against friends seeking specific Christmas lights. Christmas is coming and we are ready. Even Layla got in on the action as the only family member who said hello to Santa this year, even if a little white lie about being good was involved.  Our eight year old is seriously analyzing the jolly old elf and isn't convinced he isn't being duped but still holds onto a memory he has of seeing Santa by our stockings. The magic of the season has held longer in our home than most.....with fourteen years between Erin and Ty but the idea we are hanging on by a thread breaks my heart a little.

Not on the festive list, but fun sibling togetherness they created a massive tent for a Friday night sleepover. And on Saturday night we found ourselves home alone with Ty. He cracks us up with his on-going banter about all things Star Wars and views about life in general.

He says he isn't getting married because kissing is gross but still wants to adopt babies.

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