Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Stockings were Hung

On Friday we decorated for Christmas. Kate was on the couch for most of the day recovering from a violent stomach bug that lasted only one long night. It was a day at home for most of us and the sun was shining so setting up trees by the front door and working in the attic wasn't uncomfortable. After analyzing our decorating, the vast majority of the Christmas items I had stored in the attic were donated to a local charity. It has been four years since I last drug out the large Christmas tree. Kate was the only one requesting it and she only wanted it so she could hide the pickle ornament more effectively! That darn pickle brings about a whole lot of simple joy so now we hide it throughout the house instead. The tree and all it's trimmings will make another family happy this year despite my friends campaigning on #teamkate in hopes of saving the big tree I no longer care to make space for in my living room.
We have decided Layla has two personalities. Unconscious or obnoxious. But she is sweet. Photo credit: Makenna

Kate and Ty have their own trees. There were light issues with every small tree in the house and both of the urns that flank the front door. This was Greg's first year assisting and some grumbling took place. This is fun, they say.

At one point on Friday, Ty figured out why Kate was vomiting. He was pretty excited about it too. He believed we were going to get another baby! I would have taken some time to educate our little philosopher who knew how sick Lauren remained throughout her first 16 weeks but I was busy talking his father out of a minor coronary episode! As it turns out, Kate, Makenna and I all ended up with that nasty little bug before the weekend wrapped. Oh and there is still just the one baby on the way.

Taylor is a  rock star! I have begged Ty to cut his hair short for months. I spend good money at the salon every five weeks and he looks like an orphan because he won't style it but now he has experienced a bonding experience with his brother-in- law and loves the results. Short, manageable hair like a real Army guy is what he ordered. I like that Taylor Baird.
Makenna picked up the camera when she saw who was about to interrupt some snuggle time tonight. I am glad she did. This is our world in a nutshell; chaotic and loud.
Greg missed work on Monday for a root canal because we Baughmans know how to make a great first impression. He is finally comfortable after two very long weeks.

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