Monday, October 23, 2017

Cheer Mom

One thing I have learned in the last couple of years is that God is patient. Very patient. When I was in high school a few hundred years ago, I had no tolerance for cheerleaders. The ones I encountered wore a giant hair bow that perfectly coordinated with their outfit each day. When they were called on in class, they pretended to not know answers they clearly knew and it irritated me. Seeing girls play dumb still annoys me to this day. But in my typical teenage superiority phase, I called them "Bow Heads". Obviously I was creative as well as condescending. Sigh.

And now this has happened. I redirected her attention several times the last few years from cheer to gymnastics but much to my dismay, she is officially a cheerleader for the elementary basketball team. I honestly didn't think she would enjoy it once she started. I was wrong. She loves it.

I am a cheer mom. And God is laughing.


  1. Oh my!! I am laughing right along with God!! I know how you loved those cheerleaders in HS. She looks great and I am glad she LOVES it! Enjoy those games, Cheer MOM!

  2. God does have a sense of humor doesn't he? I am laughing too since you were quite opinionated about bowheads. But am also surprised you gave in. She looks cute as a button in her outfit and your photos are amazing.
