Saturday, September 30, 2017

September In Review

After six weeks in a brace or cast, my right arm is free. It is weak, sore and some swelling remains but it is so nice to hold tea cups in that hand again. It's the simple things in life they say that redeem the hard moments.

When I entered this latest season of life, I was tired. Really tired. The year has been full of challenges and changes and I haven't weathered the storms as well as I should have. Lauren's move, Makenna's surgery and recovery, the sudden loss of the kid's friend and the brutal and painful way I lost Jen left me depleted. Those were just the big stories, with lots of little themes woven throughout. Life with five kids is always full of additional stressors. I no longer found joy in the things I used to and felt I was simply surviving. It was time for me to rest and I resisted.

Rest doesn't come naturally for me but as I navigated these past weeks with more quiet time than I can recall ever having in my life, Greg and I started dreaming of our empty nest. I am not in any hurry to grow my last babies out of our home but there is something sweet to anticipate in those days. In addition, I found I appreciated the peace and embraced time alone with my own thoughts.

I picked up my camera again today. I missed it. The sprinkle coated caramel apples bribed the most reluctant eight year old into cooperation and of course, my Kate Bug was an eager participant. Very recent changes to Greg's work schedule eliminated my handsome husband as my date to a friend's wedding so I have a stand-in. Ty says he isn't dancing with me and isn't old enough to get me a glass of wine but he is pretty cute. And then he also has a bedtime so we won't be having too much fun while his Daddy works.

Once again, we are learning to roll with the punches and making the most of the moments we have together.

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