Saturday, July 23, 2016

Wedding Q&A with a "Few" Photos

I couldn't be more excited to have the wedding photos! I thought this would be a great time to answer some of the questions we have all been asked about the wedding, the future and the planning.

Dad's first look got moved to the bedroom when guests showed up over an hour early.

When the bride is quarantined to the bedroom for longer than expected, things happen.

This one still makes me cry

1. Is Lauren barefoot under that gorgeous dress? Of course she is!

2. Who officiated the ceremony? Taylor's Grandpa and he was only emotional a couple times. It was sweet.

3. Who cried? Well this may come as a shock but Erin sobbed uncontrollably throughout the entire ceremony. She could not pull herself together. No one who knows Erin expected that. Oh....and her mother was a blubbering mess too.

That moment the ceremony is interrupted to ask the maid of honor to pull herself together so Grandpa won't lose it too

4. Who stood up for the bride and groom? Lauren selected Erin and Makenna. Taylor had two buddies on his side. His little brother Ethan was the ring bearer and his little sister Ellie was the flower girl. They decided against the traditional pillow and flower petals and opted instead to have the kids carry a sign that read, "here comes your bride".
I did not know this shot took place. I would have stopped it! Just kidding. I would however appreciate a little more time to prepare for the next wedding.

5. When does Taylor leave for basic training? August 16th. He originally selected a job that would have had him leaving immediately after the wedding but once his exceptional test scores came back, he chose a position working with intelligence so he has been able to enjoy married life for a little while longer than anticipated.

6. When does Lauren get to join him? The short answer is we don't know. After ten weeks of basic training in South Carolina, Taylor will go to Texas for 28 weeks of special training. At some point during that 28 week period, Lauren will be permitted to join him. Taylor should find out more during the early weeks of basic training.

7. Where do they live now? Taylor moved into Erin and Lauren's townhouse a few days after the wedding. Given he only got to stay two months, it didn't make sense for them to get their own place. They have had two weeks in Florida and Erin is almost never home so it has worked well.


8. What about the wedding toast? #bairdly legal became a social media stamp Erin created out of their last name "Baird" because they are so young. They did have a toast. Lauren drank sweet tea and Taylor used lemonade. Erin's speech was comical (of course) as she handed Taylor some hollow point bullets letting him know she expected him to look after her sister since she no longer would be able to once they move away. And then we understood all the tears.

Matching cheesy grins

9. Is she pregnant? No. She isn't planning on children for a few years.

All the siblings.....I love this.

I can't express how disappointed I am our nieces weren't here.

10. How was wedding planning? Honestly, it wasn't awful. We didn't have a lot of time so decisions were made quickly. We had a lot of support from Taylor's family and friends who donated time, talent and decor. It was done affordably and beautifully.  There were obviously some highly stressful moments in that final week but I suppose all weddings reach that point before it is said and done.

11. How has married life been for them? So far they are having a blast and are quite happy. We are excited to see what the future holds for them.

12. This isn't a question but a fun side-note. Greg realized we were married the year of my parent's 22nd anniversary and Lauren and Taylor got married the year of our 22nd anniversary. We think it's a pretty cool coincidence.

And finally a link to a wedding video my brother-in-law Jamie took for Lauren. 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren is a beautiful young woman and was a stunning bride! I love all the pictures - what a wonderful day and a wonderful couple to celebrate.

    I love number 12 - the side note coincidence - how cool!
