Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moves like Jagger

A little "Just Dance" to start our day today. Colby's moves are a little too similar to my Zumba routine which is why I never exercise with children or their recording devices in the vicinity. And Ty.....he dances like his daddy!


  1. I think Ty and Colby should form a dance group. They have moves! I think they both dance like their fathers :)

  2. If Ty dances like Greg, then I insist on seeing Greg dancing on here, too! ! LOL! Do you like your Wii Zumba? Greg got it for me for Christmas, and it is so hard to see how to actually do the moves. it goes a bit fast for me, but we all know that I am a bit on the slow side! Ha!

  3. Greg says that is not going to happen! The Wii Zumba does go too fast for me, but then, we all know how rhythmically challenged I am!
