Thursday, April 12, 2012

Speaking of toys

During multiple intervals throughout the day I clean up all the toys that are tossed about the house. It's just one of the ways my OCD manifests itself. I KNOW the toys are going to be spread out within minutes, but I simply cannot help myself. However, I have noted that sitting the in the dark laundry room with a flashlight, playing in the kitchen cabinets or even building forts with couch cushions are the most common activities chosen by the kids. Why do we even have toys?
I am fairly new to the "boy toy" gig. I know all of the American Girl dolls and can tell you their stories or hold my own in a Barbie discussion but Thomas the Train? No clue. Thanks to my nephew's obsession with Thomas, my extended family can name all the trains. Our pediatrician and neighbor boys are quick to identify them as well. My son and I have matching blank stares in response.  Am I robbing my son of some right of passage by avoiding the videos about all these overpriced characters? Just like the girls' assessment that I have somehow robbed them of a childhood by banning Sponge Bob, Ty may have his own sad sob story as a teen.

Dinosaurs are the other boy toy in which I remain clueless. He has a handful of them and he likes them. They are all simply just "dinosaurs", but we roar with gusto when we play with them. All the other "moms of boys" I know appear to have them identified. I assume that by the time I recognize the difference between a pterodactyl and a tyrannosaurus, he will be into Monster trucks or some other pursuit I won't easily understand.

1 comment:

  1. I have some books on dinosaurs and Thomas the Train you all can borrow :) I may need your help w/American Girl in a couple years...
