Monday, March 26, 2012

The Dust Storm

On Friday night my parents came to help us celebrate Erin and Greg's birthdays. We shall call that the calm before the storm. Just after they departed on Sunday morning, Greg pulled out all the necessary tools for the demolition of the ceramic tile foyer. It was a mess, to say the least. Dust was hanging in the air hours after the completion. We used both the vacuum and the shop vac to clean up. Twenty four hours later, we are still living in a cloud of dust. When Greg was first getting started, Ty ran into his room and emerged within seconds wearing his toy safety goggles and brandishing his plastic hammer. "Do you want me to try, Daddy?" It just doesn't get any cuter than that.

Our wood laminate flooring for the foyer, living room and hallway was delivered today. We will move out all of the furniture and carpeting tomorrow evening after the boys go home. I have the remainder of Spring Break off from babysitting but suspect our own son will be supervising a little more than appreciated. I am looking forward to the finished product, God willing by the weekend, but the process is labor intensive.

Woody, renamed Gunner found his new home Thursday afternoon. He is living with a family from our church. I was pretty disappointed when they chose him over Mia as I still had hope Greg would let us keep him. He reminds me so much of Brutus' disposition. So, we still have feisty little Mia who I regularly remind is the last of the litter to be adopted. She is spirited to say the least. We really hoped to have her placed before we started this project. We've had a few interests but nothing has panned out yet.

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