Saturday, February 18, 2012


Our little guests are rather sweet. I love how they invite me to sit and snuggle throughout the day. Brutus is going to lose weight fretting over them but he can afford it, according to his annual checkup last week. If a little puppy was not on my lap today, a little boy was. Ty is on the mend but still has periods of extreme crankiness. The medicine is clearly gaining the upper hand as most of his blisters are crusted over.

Lauren spent the night lying on the living room floor next to the laundry basket we are using for a puppy bed. She was amazing about setting her alarm for every other hour to wake up and feed them. Brutus slept with them as well. By late morning Lauren declared that she will never have a baby if this is expected. I love it. I did assure her that she was worth it. She assures me that only puppies are worth it. I love the life plans of 15 year old girls!
Greg got to call 911 today. The field behind our house caught fire. The firetrucks arrived at our house rather than the field so we all got up close and personal views of the action. Ty was as impressed as Greg.

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