Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hanging on by a thread

One of our leaders at church uses that phrase often and I have identified with it the last few days! There have been a comedy of issues in our home and with our kids. It is literally to the point that I can't stop laughing or I will start drinking crying.
This photo was posed by our friend Brian who helped for three hours with the new dishwasher installation yesterday. Things could have gone more smoothly. Today, I started the new dishwasher only to have it do the exact same thing the old one did. The problem was not the old dishwasher, it was the old drain line. A twelve dollar drain line. And my kitchen got to look like that again today. But all was not lost, we got this great box.

We started our day yesterday with a notice that our water needed to be shut off for an hour so they could replace a fire hydrant. Five hours later (with 8 kids in the house) the water was turned back on, just in time for us to start the dishwasher fiasco. I had a McDonald's picnic on the living room floor at 7pm with the kids because I couldn't get into the kitchen and bedtime was all too quickly approaching.
While delivering cookies to neighbors tonight I learned we've been under a boil advisory since yesterday as well.....better late than never? Honestly, the same guy who talked to me about turning off the water is testing hers each day to see if it is safe! 

Some of us have had more fun than others. Aiden brought Ty a shirt like his yesterday. Aren't they adorable? Ty had the Lincoln Logs removed from his room today because he was threatening to use one as a weapon. He promptly threw a fit in which Erin asked him why he lost the toys in the first place. He told her it was because "Mommy's bossy."

Kate insisted I get a massage tonight which is also rather funny given that I had an appointment for one and arrived to discover I was not actually on the schedule. Once again, I laughed.

Kate asked me if I thought Santa would bring her more gifts if he saw her doing this. She's charitable like that.


  1. I would imagine that the rolling massager in Ty's hand is making truck sounds???!!! The boy massage!

  2. I love that you find the positive in what would send so many people into a whoa is me funk. Merry Christmas, Sherri and family.

  3. Hey, it was all worth it for the cool box, right??? :) I think we need to get real massages during girls weekend.....

  4. ha ha ha! I remember this day like it was yesterday. Funny looking back on it now :)
