Thursday, December 15, 2011

Field Trip

Makenna and I took the boys to Bass Pro Shops today because I was about to climb the walls. I've been feeling a little stir crazy lately which may explain why half our Christmas decorations made their way back into the attic the other day.....11 days seemed like long enough to dust around them. But I digress.....the boys also appeared to need a change of scenery and my friend Anne reminded me that Bass Pro has a lot to offer for FREE! That is my favorite price point and they LOVED it! The highlight had to be the snowball room. For three little boys, we called it heaven. They were not only allowed to throw everything in the room but they were encouraged to throw them at each other! Even little Colby was into it! We stopped in and said hello to Santa and Ty was pretty excited to meet him but made no move to sit with him.  We'll have to wait and see what Saturday's photo session with Santa holds....


  1. Looks like so much fun! I have to tell you though, who stood out the most to me in these pictures is Makenna - she is so pretty and when did she grow up?

  2. Fun! Who's the new little cutie you have with you?

  3. Jill, that's Aiden. He will be spending a few days a week with us while his Grandma recovers from some surgery. She typically keeps him but they needed help for a few months. He's five months older than Ty so it's a nice change of pace for me!
