Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall "Fun"?

So our church hosted a fall festival today. It was total chaos. I stood in lines with four kids for two hours so they could do three things. Let's just say I will neglect to put this on the calendar next year. I was a little saddened to hear secular music,see witches and monsters volunteering, and no one directing the flow of people who may as well have been at the mall for the difference our church did not make today. I feel as though we sometimes miss the balance of reaching the world vs being part of the world.

On the other hand, little man was bribed with candy to finally put on his costume! He decided he liked being Buzz once he was finally dressed. I've attempted this multiple times the last few months and  had all but given up on it. He was pretty stinking cute. The bribery continued throughout the afternoon to keep him confined in the stroller in previously mentioned lines.

In the end, Ty said, "it was FUN!" That counts for something.


  1. I am bummed that the church missed the mark on this one, because Halloween is such a chance for the church to reach out to the lost! I think if someone walked into our chuch dressed as a ghost or witch, Judi would have them ushered out before someone could say boo! ( pun intended! ) But, Ty looked adorable, and I love my lil' cowgirl on the horse! I need to come down soon so her and I can compare boots!!! :)

  2. Jill, if it were a community member, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. When you are reaching out to the community, you get people who don't "act" church and that can be messy. My problem was volunteers who were dressed that way. If we are going to stand out as something different, we need to be different. Otherwise we are nothing more than a social club with a little Jesus mixed in.
