Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago

Ten years ago life as America knew it changed. I was glued to the TV all day, everyday. I was working part time for our church and we even had the TV on there for some new conferences. It was difficult to pull myself away. After about three weeks, I couldn't do it anymore. I empathized too strongly and felt the pain too deeply. I turned off my TV. I still refuse to have the local news on in my home. There simply isn't much on that is newsworthy. The negative far outweighs the positive.
Our church did a memorial service last night that included Todd Beamer's father sharing his testimony of losing his son ten years ago today. He said Todd was a hero on September 11 but more importantly he was a Christian on September 10. The reality is that we all have a "September 10" because we all have numbered days on earth. I was sobbing as our pastor did an altar call at the end of that service and multiple people rose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. There was a large biker looking guy and younger tattoo covered man within my immediate vision and I just couldn't pull myself together. Seeing even the toughest of the tough with tears in their eyes submitting to the Lord is an amazing thing to witness.
Ten years later, the impact of that day's events is still raw within me. Having the president of the United States, George W. Bush declare our enemy as "evil" spoken as a noun, not an adjective defined what we as a nation and Christians are honestly fighting. Satan is on a mission to destroy all that we love. Our families, our children, our churches, our finances, our walk with Jesus, our country's values... it's all fair game.You don't have to look far to see someone struggling.
I continue to pray for so many in my life to come to know the Lord before their personal September 11. Seeing that great big biker guy gave me hope.

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