Thursday, August 18, 2011

Officially in School.....

Lauren started her first day of freshman year at Community Montessori today. We met her teacher on Tuesday evening and she welcomed Lauren with a hug once we realized we already knew her from our church. That was a great start! 

Erin had her first day of  Junior Year at Floyd Central Monday, August 15. She hopes to have a calm year with some more interesting electives in her schedule.

Makenna's first day was rushed on August 8th because her start date was moved three times and we had company coming that day. She is in sixth grade with an online public school. She and Ethan enjoyed playing games on the school computer and apparently eating peanut butter right out of the jar??? Photos are revealing!
Kate also started her first grade year online last Monday the 8th but waited to have her picture taken with her neighbor friend after the school bus dropped her off. Kate would like to ride that bus "just one time".

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