Monday, July 11, 2011

A truck load of dirt.....

After adding a truck load of dirt and rearranging some existing plants, this is where we are as of today. We still need shrubs and the final rocks but it looks great so far. Can I just say that I have a new level of respect for anyone who does this for a living? Holy cow this little project is back breaking, exhausting and oh-so-hot!
And by the way, Greg asks me on a regular basis if anyone is commenting on his landscape so feel free to leave him some encouraging words! (Comments on previous posts about his hair would be fun for me though!)


  1. Looks awesome! Leveling those suckers is hard work! -Kristin

  2. Everything looks beautiful! Hauling dirt and mulch is exhausting work. ~ I had almost forgotton what Greg looked like with hair!!!!! I think he should let it grow in again so we can get a good look at it!!! :)

  3. I think it looks great. Now you just need to add a Michigan flag to the front and add some blue and gold rocks and it will be perfect :)
