Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ohio trip and Birthday fun......

Makenna celebrated her 11th birthday on Monday. She saw all three of her grandmas and got exactly what she wanted, peanut butter and money. Unfortunately she also got a trip to Grandma's local Urgent Care for a severe headache and rash that spread over most of her face and body. She is finally on the mend this evening.

Ty was also celebrated at Grandma Carol's. Greg saw his surgeon and is happy to report he doesn't have to go back for another year. I spent an evening with my friends and enjoyed the relaxing time out. We saw old neighbors and distant relatives. The older girls went on a brief shopping trip with Greg's mom and we all saw our favorite beautician, Miss Beth. Our nephews stayed with us. All in all, it was a good couple of days.

Brennen is swimming now...and loves being free of his life vest

Ty was not sure about the water this year and hung out on the side lines rather than join the splashing

Kate practiced back flips and can barely touch the bottom of the pool. She is looking forward to being without her life vest next year too.

Check out Kate's expression! Cracks me up!

Our neighbors decorated our mailbox as a birthday surprise for Makenna.


  1. I'm glad all of you had a good time. Welcome back to disgusting temperatures and heat indeces.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! I am so sorry that Makenna got sick on her birthday though :(

    Love all the pictures!
