Saturday, June 11, 2011

VBS wrap-up

Kate loved her week at our neighborhood vacation bible school. She came home ready for a nap each day and went to bed quite easily each night in anticipation of her next VBS day. She made a new "best friend" who is "practically a cousin" because Ava is Cameron's cousin. This is southern Indiana so it may count! It seems everyone is related in these parts! Any ol way, our little cowgirl enjoyed dancing and singing her VBS songs on stage this evening for all of us and wishes she didn't have to wait a whole year to go back.
She came home after the first day noting a "need" for cowgirl boots and a hat. We were blessed by hand me down boots in brown and hot pink but had to find the hat in our local general store. She may have started a trend as her older sisters are now on the hunt for cowgirl boots too!

1 comment:

  1. I love my cowgirl boots, too! Kate has good taste!!! :) Glad she had a great week!!!
