Sunday, May 15, 2011

Celebrating Kate

Greg's family drove down for a few hours today to help kick off Kate's birthday week. Lizzie was a treat as always and Kate enjoyed her gifts and birthday money. We had to head out to Target as soon as everyone left! She loves shopping.....I blame teenage sisters. She chose cake pops rather than a traditional cake or cupcakes this year.
Grandma looked high and low for Twinkle Toes shoes. Kate is thrilled. Grandpa is trying to tighten them up a bit to help them fit better as they run a little big. I hope that means we will get more wear out of them!

Saying good bye is never easy....

Uncle Brad playing with Kate.....she loves it!

Poor little Lizzie was told she has to let Kate open her own packages. Lizzie is next....three in June.

The cake pops were good but I think they need a little tweaking next time. I'm pleased with my first attempt though.

Jennifer and Shelby took Kate out for a play date yesterday and gave her some fun art supplies for her birthday.
Her first drawing in her new sketch book.....can you see her news? It is her first loose tooth and she is pretty excited.

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