Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week Wrap Up

It has been quite busy since Tuesday! I had a swollen knee for a few days (old age? I really have no idea), started the process of enrolling Lauren into high school, enrolled Makenna into a virtual school for sixth grade and had both babies quite a bit. Ty ran a fever for about 24 hours and he's teething; therefore is not sleeping again (so neither am I). We had  company for dinner three times and hosted a play date. Oh, and we had school, had someone start yard work, ran a house full of extra teenagers a few times and appreciated open windows. Greg's parents called last night and are planning a trip down tomorrow. It has been awhile so we hope to feed them well and enjoy some warm weather with them too. Happy Saturday Friends!
Cameron and Colby checking each other out. At one point Cameron made Colby cry with his loud "talking" voice. At another point, Colby was eating Cameron's shoulder!

There are draw backs to having bowls within easy reach.

Has a chocolate chip cookie ever looked so good?

Colby James.....such a sweet baby!

Somehow Erin ended up with both CJ and Jarod here to play "Just Dance" on the wii. Given the fact that they both like her and both say they are willing to wait on her to be ready for a boyfriend again, I find this amusing. You know neither one wanted to dance in my living room! The life of teenagers. It's quite a ride!

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