Saturday, April 30, 2011

Productive Fun?

The yard was finally dry enough to be mowed. It was beyond time as we had to wait out an incredible amount of rain. The shrubs were trimmed and the roof has been somewhat repaired, or at least patched to the point that we pray it no longer leaks! It is supposed to rain again tonight so we'll have to see what the morning reveals.
Testing gravity! Yikes.

Daddy's little helper loves the lawn mower and he says that word really clearly.

Ty's lawn mower needs a lot of adjustments throughout the job....

and uses a lot of gas too! He is just so stinking cute imitating his daddy.

Kate spent the morning looking for more bag worms, which she calls caterpillars. She found families of them and reunited them in a yogurt container with leaves she enjoyed watching them eat. She lets those things crawl all over her hands and arms while she determines their gender and role in their newly assigned family. It was quite a process she talked her way through! This girl can talk and talk and talk and get the idea.

We played some too......
And needed baths....

Because Ty was upset about his dirty feet!

And I love clean baby scents!
Besides, he looks so handsome cleaned up for church. He strongly objects to his new sandles. He acted as though he couldn't walk when I first put them on his feet but that act wore off when he took off at church during our picnic dinner! He had the orneriest grin on his face as he ran as fast as he could away from me!


  1. The look on Ty's face out of the tub is priceless! So ornry!!! :)
