Thursday, March 17, 2011

Smarty Pants

Lauren's glasses arrived today.....

Lauren started complaining of headaches while reading a few weeks ago. Off to the doctor we went and $400 later she is good as new, only looking a little cuter! (I'd like a frequent buyer card at the optometrist!)

It was 77 sunny degrees today so the girls and I took three strollers out for an hour long walk after lunch. We were quite the spectacle!
Our front door was left open when a gust of wind blew through carrying a trail of leaves into the house. At the same time, the wind also cleaned the dust off the top of the ceiling fan, which made it look like a snow storm blew through the living room! It wasn't a pretty storm! I had the girls entertain babies while I vacuumed the house and ran the shop vac on the front porch to clear off a winter's worth of debris. Good times.....

Erin has started her own blog.....I am a little afraid to share the link as she claims she'll use it to share all our family secrets! (I thought I had that covered with my blog?) Anyway, here it is but I promise you that if she shares the secret video she took of me exercising, you won't hear from her again!  Tootsie Pops & Trampolines is where you can see what she has to say.....

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