Saturday, March 26, 2011

The hands......

The hands that made the pillow cases which adorn my girls' beds are the same hands that taught me to sew. They are the same hands that made my kindergarten dresses and the dresses my little ones wore their first years. They are the same strong hands who raised five girls and one boy. Her hands are smooth now but had callouses years ago as she never stepped away from hard work whether it be in a factory or in her flower beds. Those same hands always had a jar with green onions in water awaiting my arrival the summers were were able to go to Grandma's house. Living away from grandparents made me crave my time with them so much more.....
My grandma fought lung cancer five years ago and was a rough journey and one she handled with grace. A month or so ago, during a routine physical, cancer was discovered in her other lung. The spot is very small but the PET scan lit up her lymph nodes as well. Yesterday, a surgeon did a biopsy on the lymph nodes to determine if the cancer is throughout her body or isolated to the one spot. If it is in the one spot, the surgery to remove that spot is going to be a lot easier on her than her prior one. If the cancer is in the lymph nodes, chemo is the recommended course of treatment. Either way, it is a journey I am sorry to see her on again. So today, the same hands that made beautiful things for me and my children are folded in prayer for God to carry her and strengthen her family as she makes tough decisions and awaits the phone call revealing her prognosis.
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you" Psalm 56:3

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written! I will be praying for her and your family. Hugs to you my friend.
