Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend News

Kate and Grandpa were partners in Racko...she was a helpful cheerleader with supportive comments like, "we're going to lose" and "I don't think you know how to play this game"!

Ty loves to dump his blocks or kick down stacks of them. Greg is meticulous about how he puts them back into their bin....everyone is amazed! Ty's just waiting to dump them again!

While Greg was working on the blocks, Kate yelled at him for playing with baby toys. He retaliated.

Ty loves Pa-pa and wouldn't even let him use the restroom without yelling through the door for him over and over! His paci has been in his mouth a little more this week. I can't decide if he's teething or feeling a little jealous of the babies.

Makenna was a worthy opponent in checkers this morning. She surprised Grandpa and they ended up in a stale mate after a pretty long game. Grandpa was impressed with her skills.

Daddy, on the other hand, has played family games more recently than Grandpa and quickly creamed Makenna!

These gorgeous tulips were sent to me on Friday from Cameron. That little guy is being very well trained at an early age!

Lauren and her best friend, Brutus.
Makenna had a fever again on Saturday. Erin did something to her leg and was barely walking Friday and most of Saturday. My dad came down to visit since he was tired of sitting around his house alone because my mom took my Grandma to Arizona for ten days to visit my Aunt Bobby. They are having a great time and drinking in some wonderful sunshine to get them through the remaining weeks of winter here. Anyway, since there was so much going on at home, I called in at church and spent the day relaxing with my family. It was good. Dad was able to be included in family game night with Go Fish, Racko and Checkers. Afterward we watched Despicable Me while enjoying popcorn. Last night was the first night Ty fought going to bed. There was a lot going on and it was challenging for him to settle. He got out of bed three times but quickly learned he was going to be put right back into bed each time he climbed out. It worked and by nap time this morning, he went down as easily as ever.

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