Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The results are in.....

Makenna is moderately allergic to dust, mold, mildew, cats, cock roaches (I can say this one is easily avoided here!), all trees, grasses and weeds. No problem (sarcastic eye roll inserted here)! I am just so glad Brutus is safe! It was a tougher day than expected. I assumed all allergy tests were the little scratches on the back. Well, the first 80 were. The next 36 were like little shots in her arms and they hurt. My sweet girl had tears in her eyes and declared that this "science experiment" was no longer fun. It wasn't. Afterward, she got a milkshake. Mom did too. She doesn't have any food allergies which is a good thing. So, she is on three medications to get her body under control and we will hopefully wean off them slowly starting April 11 depending on her reactions to treatment. We hope to be on something for maintenance in the end.

And.....we toured the local Montessori school today. I was impressed. I love the real life approach to learning. It is so much like my approach to homeschooling as the kids plan their own day, choose their lessons, work to strengthen weaknesses and are allowed to thrive in their stronger areas. The director spent some time talking with us about our specific needs and reassured me that my daughter will be welcomed, encouraged and built up in that environment. It was what I hoped to hear. My daughter is not ready to commit. It was a blow to hear they would like her to consider taking a step backward to have additional time in their program to meet state requirements for testing and such. She shut down and is not willing to discuss this for now. We have plans to work with our local public school in April for testing and program placement. Time and prayer will determine where we end up.

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