Wednesday, February 2, 2011


On Monday, I started full time with a new baby, Colby. He is adjusting quite nicely and is a lot of fun. Ty is fascinated with this "baby" and has tried to pick him up! All too helpful! So, I'm watching Colby closely to protect him! I am still keeping Cameron a few hours each week. He is still dealing with some separation anxiety and has had a rough time adjusting to his part time schedule here. Yesterday was tough but he had a great morning today. I'm trying to keep him a few hours each day to help him transition more smoothly into time away from Mommy. I cannot stand to let a baby cry so I've gotten a decent workout pacing the floors with Cameron. Working with two first time moms brings back memories of my first go-round. To this day, I wish I could take back some of my parenting decisions based on "expert" opinions and trusted my instincts with Erin. Namely, I wouldn't have let her cry it out every night for three years.....Oh, I still get emotional just thinking about those nights. God chose me to be her mom and I let others tell me how to be her parent. I like getting advice and want to be in the loop on challenges facing kids in general but in the end, I am the one who decides if and when someone needs to cry it out. In my house, that doesn't happen very often. are some photos of our new little guest and his fan club.

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