Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kristin and the boys visited!

Makenna and Ethan were as imaginative as usual...this was Ethan's game called "old man".

I had to sneak this him!

Makenna would dress like this without a game involved....she loves to accessorize!

Avry's saying "cheese"!

Attempts to get these two to pose for a photo were exhausting and in the end, well, we didn't get a shot!

Team work....

Kristin's arm is cropped out of this one...she's literally holding Avry in the shot! The big girls refused to participate.

Yes, there is another cold sore....

Both boys like their "phones".
After what may have been the longest drive ever from Dayton to Louisville, Kristin and the boys arrived Saturday morning. They left Dayton Friday afternoon......after five hours stuck in Cincinnati traffic, they ended up in a hotel Friday night and made the remainder of the trip on Saturday. Disappointing, to say the least. At any rate, we were able to relax and play with the little ones for 24 hours. We ate well and the kids had a great time playing. 

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