Saturday, January 1, 2011


The date looks significant. The dropping of the ball typically invokes deep emotions. The gathering of family and friends to ring in the new year around the wii with a few wild children who are pepped up on enough sugar to make it four hours past their bedtimes usually keeps me nostalgic. But...not this year. Weird. I was good, really good through the holidays. I embraced them, enjoyed them and found simple pleasures along the way. However, I found myself numb as everyone around me seemed to be celebrating. Not sad. Not mad. Not emotional in any way. Just there, sort of. Numb. Nothing is bothering me. I'm not in deep thought about anything more than usual. I'll be in prayer about my demeanor this week. I am typically so emotional that music, life stories, commercials and books make me cry. This was a strange feeling for me.
So, we ushered in 2011 and then said little people into bed just in time for one sweet baby boy to sing out "pa-pa". We discovered that Ty doesn't sleep well if he isn't in his own bed. Fun discovery at that late hour and ALL NIGHT LONG! Much to Makenna and Kate's dismay, we packed up and headed home today rather than have "one more sleep over" at "pa-pa's house". The older girls are always ready to go home to their own beds, friends and social agendas so the abrupt decision suited them nicely, but was met with disappointed tears in Makenna's eyes. The kids also voted to skip out on a family vacation this summer with "pa-pa" because they don't like to travel. Their choice was met with more disappointment on the grandparent end, but in all honesty, the kids get that from me. Don't mess with my routine. I don't like it. I spend entirely too much time working on the planning and such that I don't relax and enjoy vacations. I'd rather stay home with my nose in a book on my swing. I am pretty low maintenance.
We were able to see our favorite hairdresser while we were "home". Miss Beth is always a treat to visit and I feel like I am back into my own hair afterward. It's been 6 months since the kids had cuts because it has been that long since we saw Miss Beth. Makenna made the most dramatic changes to her hair, adding bangs and a sharp angled cut. She is thrilled. Kate requested her hair be "cut longer". Since extensions seem a little unnecessary for a five year old, we opted for a minor trim. Lauren added more side bangs and long layers. She's thrilled. Erin had a basic trim. We love Miss Beth and wish we could see her more often, but that brings us back to traveling.....
I pray I grow, serve and love in 2011. I pray God continues His hard work on me. I've teased that my New Year's Resolution is to NOT travel with teens or tots this year, but I suspect more serious spiritual matters will be worked on instead. God knows I need it!


  1. Sherri - I swear you and I are kindred spirits. I relate to everything you said in this post (as usual though) from crying at commercials to not messing with my schedule and being happiest at home with a book. I think God needs to merge our paths once more so that our locations can allow us more "in person" time.
    Sending you huge Happy New Year hugs and wishing for a wonderous 2011 for you and your precious family!!! Hugs!!!

  2. I wasn't too emotional watching 2010 leave, just happy that it is gone! However, I found myself crying during a commercial for animal neglect last night. My sappy side is well intact!
    I would be happy to fill in for you on the family vacation, think your folks would notice??? I am a diehard homebody, but I love vacation so much, I would take several a year if Greg would be agreeable! :)I sure do miss you! Happy New Year!!

  3. You took the words right out of me - I totally understand the "numb" feeling - that is where I am too and I don't know why.....Praying.

    Happy New Year to your family!

    PS - LOVE Makenna's hair!!!
