Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Teething......we've always said the number of fingers in the mouth indicates stress levels....this poor thing is REALLY stressed!

Erin adores little Cameron. He is so happy these days and such a cuddly baby.

Kate is "relaxing". Okay?

Erin had a stressful couple of days with weather complicating her final schedule at school but she walked into the house to discover little Cameron in my arms and immediately smiled. There is just something special about having a new baby in your arms to shed light on what is important. He smiled really big for her just before snuggling in for a little nap.

Ty has had another week of teething and has found himself a little grumpy at times. I have no idea how many teeth are in his mouth or how many are on their way. It is too dangerous to stick fingers in there to count!

1 comment:

  1. If the number of fingers in the mouth indicate stress levels, both of my fists and feet are crammed into my mouth right now......:)
