Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa Claus!

I took the kids to see Santa today. Kate drew him a picture and he very boisterously exclaimed, "HO HO HO!" in response to his gift. Kate was tickled especially when he directed one of his elves to hang it on the computer counter for all to see. She told him she wants a pretty doll and princess slippers. Ty checked Santa out and decided it was okay to sit on his lap, but opted out of smiling. Oh well. Lauren and Makenna were in tow and Lauren asked for Justin Bieber...the boy, not a CD, not a tee shirt, nope, the boy. Santa assured her that he was not able to deliver and suggested that she was probably not THAT good anyway. Good eye Santa! She giggled as she headed off to have her photo taken with the Justin Bieber cut out instead. On her way back through the mall, she stopped to show Santa her photo and he wished me luck with my "wild child".

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