Saturday, December 4, 2010


After taking this photo today I noted how overgrown Ty's hair has gotten again.....

Doesn't he look so much older? Yikes! I need my sweet friend Anne to show me how to use the clippers. Her son's hair is always so cute and I seem to mess it up every time. Today I went too far above his ears and he has bald spots! You should have seen the amount of hair in the bathroom when we finished! He has his daddy's thick hair. Those of you who have only known Greg for the last 10 years will be shocked by that statement. Greg is not bald. He shaves his head every day....seriously. Why? You may ask. Well, let's just say he strongly opposes the color phrase "salt and pepper".


  1. Such a handsome little guy!! I think his hair cut looks great!

  2. You did a great job!!! PS he so looks like GREG :)
