Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Checklist


Our Christmas Eve traditions include:
    1. Arrival of Grandma and Grandpa
    2. Crab legs for dinner!!! We only get them once a year so it is SO special!
    3. Christmas Eve service where I was able to burn off said dinner chasing my son for over an hour. He doesn't stop moving!
    4. Jesus' Birthday cake!!! 
    5. This year we added a viewing of Makenna's play for Grandpa and Grandma
    6. Reading the Night Before Christmas by the tree
    7. Preparing a plate for Santa and his reindeer
    8. Watching the start of a white beautiful
    9. Tucking into bed with the "not before 7am" talk and anticipating very sweet dreams

      Merry Christmas friends.....

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