Wednesday, November 10, 2010

She's got "Bieber Fever"!

Yes Cherie, she does still live here! Lauren is camera shy and doesn't let me take her photo often. I took advantage of her great mood today and am happy with the results. She is going to the Justin Bieber concert tonight with Kelsey for her 14th birthday this weekend. 14! How on earth is that possible? I love this girl. On a really funny note about the upcoming concert, Kelsey had a young man at school ask her out on Monday. She told him she had to wait until after the concert, "just in case". These silly girls are convinced they will someday marry that boy! Hilarious. I know for certain that Lauren would not tolerate a spoiled, high maintenance musician for long!


  1. She is so spunky,fun and beautiful! The last pic is my favorite!!!

  2. I am so glad to see that she is still hanging around! Lauren you are a BEAUTIFUL young lady no reason to be camera shy! Love the pics!
