Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Lauren was celebrated this weekend. Her baptism and birthday fell within two days and she was well doted upon. Kelsey spent the weekend with us and they requested donuts for breakfast. She chose whole grilled chickens, mashed potatoes with gravy, homemade mac n cheese and slow cooked green beans for her birthday dinner yesterday. It was a starch overload but oh. so. good. We topped that off with cookie cake. Her gift was her concert ticket to see Justin Bieber this past week and we also gave her his new book. Overall, I think she is having a great birthday!

We had to celebrate a day early since Erin has school and works on Mondays. It is the one day a week we don't have dinner together as a family. As of three am, we were really glad we celebrated yesterday because Makenna appears to have Mono and our house no longer feels like a party!


  1. Happy Birthday Lauren.... hope it is a great day! Sounds like you have had a blast this weekend so far! Love, Cherie & the boys.....

  2. Bummer about Makenna. Your family has been through the ringer in the health area!
