Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Look who's getting tall enough to get into trouble in the kitchen. He opens the drawers and flips things out of them and has reached for pans on the stove top. We are now only using the back burners.....

Ty's fascination with the vacuum has not yet subsided. He loves to get a hold of the little dust buster style and pretend to clean up messes. This was not a problem until yesterday when he was deliberately pouring milk from his cup all over the floor so he could clean up the "mess"!

Another cold sore and this one is ugly....I think we are on round 6. He has had cold symptoms and been rather irritable this time too. Poor little guy, we hope he outgrows his susceptibility to the virus. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that he was deliberately pouring milk out so he would have a mess to clean up - such a smart little stinker!! :)

    sorry his virus has come back - give him hugs for me.
