Sunday, September 19, 2010

This is a day that the Lord has made.....

We were planning on guests for the day when they had to cancel (insert disappointed face here). I was already in the throws of preparations when we got the call so I completed the meal, dessert, new bread recipe and the soup I was taking to both new mommies in our neighborhood. Changing course from relaxing with friends, we opted to enjoy an early meal together with Greg's amazing whole grilled chickens which just happens to be something the entire family loves and then hang out together outside. When I delivered meals, one precious baby boy was placed in my arms and my oh my, is there a better feeling in the world than that of a newborn in your arms? I was in my own little heaven! We spoke with both sets of our parents and I even had a phone conversation with Kristin.....IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!! We accomplished a lot but mostly just enjoyed this day.

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