Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The whole world is a science experiment

This has to be my son's approach to life right now....

What will happen if I hit my sister over the head with this toy? What about that sister? What about this other toy? Oh, time out in the pack n play....how hard can I shake this thing? How many times do I have to run into the street before Mom will let me? If I smack the dog with my book, what will he do? If I throw food, will I get to eat what I really want? If I throw my pacifier out of the crib, can I get out to get it? How can I make other people's shoes fit my feet? How fast can I unload the book cases? How many times can I throw coasters before they break? What about sippy cups? Can I make it to the top before they realize I'm on the stairs? How many pieces of dog food will fit in my mouth?

This is not a comprehensive list as his energy and curiosity are endless.

Ty went from two teeth for five and a half months to getting four more in one week! It was a bit rough this time around. He has been a little fussy and had a couple of restless nights. Overall, he's still rather happy and full of smiles.

I've done something to my back and have been limited in my mobility since Saturday. By Monday, Ty had figured that out and when I'd attempt to remove his latest toy weapon, he'd sit square on his bottom so I couldn't reach him! It's a good thing he is so cute!


  1. He is so funny and so cute !!! Ashlyn is getting all four of her top teeth right now too - poor babies. Sorry about your back, let me know if you need anything

  2. Oh, I hope your back is feeling better. Sounds like him and Kane are both getting mouthfuls of teeth at the same time! The way it sounds with Ty's "curiosity", is that Aaron has been calling him giving him pointers on how to drive your Mama crazy....
