Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Entering Erin's World

After a longer and more physically demanding first day of work than anticipated and spending a bit of time waiting on the pediatrician to find and correctly update Erin's shot records, I fed the kids a quick homemade pizza (I have to highly recommend Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day for the recipe and many other favorites) and took Erin and Ty to high school registration. I was able to pass on this glorious tradition last year since Ty was too sick to go along and needed his mommy at all times. I'm glad Ty is better but boy oh boy can the schools learn a thing or two about simplicity! We were there for a couple of hours and didn't accomplish all that needed to be done. This momma is finished regardless. If it really matters, I'll hear from them. BUT, seeing Erin in action was a bit enlightening! The photographer took a second shot because she wasn't happy with her first one. He let her set up a second and choose her favorite. Keep in mind, we didn't order any. This is just for the yearbook and her student ID! Next we waited forever and a day on her counselor who moseyed in and out of his office several times but never called anyone back. So, the third time another counselor asked if there was anyone waiting to see him, I suggested he could make a quick schedule change for Erin if that was allowed. He gladly took us and found himself being worked over by Erin. She mentioned that she is friends with his daughter and would like to have classes with her. She then requested a study hall in lieu of Child Development, which she conveniently needed first period instead of the scheduled P.E. class in that time slot. In the end, she was able to dump two teachers she didn't want, got to have classes with friends and drop gym first period. She did all of this with a smile and "innocent" chatter. We toured the beautiful building long enough for her to find her locker and classes. She's excited to start her sophomore year next Wednesday.

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