Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Little Ramblings

"I like this little gravy boat thing, where did we get it", asked Erin at dinner. "It was a wedding gift", I replied. "Oh, I can see that you really needed it since this is the first time I've seen it". So true.

"I've decided that this will be the last summer of my childhood," announced Erin this afternoon after swinging at the park per her request. Our planner has decided that she'll be too old to hang out on the swing set next year because she'll be in drivers ed. As she made her declaration she had tears in her eyes.

Ty man has been under the weather since Saturday night. We had a rough weekend but we are seeing him improve daily. He mustered up enough energy to kick a ball with Kate and I this afternoon and hang out in the back of the van playing with his toys while the girls were swinging at the park. He cried so much this weekend he's hoarse. Nothing we did helped him settle in and sleep Saturday night. I had him on the swing out front for an hour at one point to prevent waking the entire house as he cried. I was quietly singing to him as we "rocked" on the swing. When he finally quit crying, he put his hand over my mouth! Even at 11 months he knows I have no talent! At this point, he's dealing with a runny nose and periods of fussiness but he's eating and consolable. Bedtime tonight required a bath and a walk in the sling. Let me tell you that his 22 or so pounds felt more like 42 by the time we finished that walk and he was asleep!

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