Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"I wish I were a real princess so I could do whatever I want"

Princess Kate loves her new Cinderella dress and insisted upon wearing it on a bike ride this afternoon. I kept encouraging her to at least wear real shoes, but she's wearing the plastic dress up shoes everywhere too. So, half way up the hill, we tossed the shoes into Ty's stroller and by the time we were back down the hill, Princess Kate decided she wanted to go home because her feet hurt! No kidding? She wiped out and I had to call Erin for backup to get us all home! She then informed me she wishes she were a real princess so she didn't have to listen to me and do whatever she wants!


  1. Miss Kate, there are days that I wish I was a princess too! But we both must dream on, beacuse it is only a dream!!!!! LOL!!!

  2. When she grows up she could be a Derby princess. That would be good practice for the real thing!
