Thursday, May 6, 2010


The sunshine is invigorating! I can't get enough of it.I take the kids out for multiple walks everyday since we are avoiding our yard a bit. We've had construction workers building two houses next to ours the last couple of weeks. I've tried to keep a low profile for safety reasons. I haven't had any of the picnics Kate has requested. I think I need to just get over it because we enjoyed dinner on the patio tonight and it was wonderful to relax and take in some fresh air together. Kate finally got the corn on the cob and watermelon she's been requesting since the first sign of warmer weather. It was rather yummy!

Ty explored Kate's sand/water table this afternoon. He loved it! He was covered in sand and had wet hair by the time I could see he was ready for his afternoon nap. He slept so well after we removed all the sand covered clothes! I was able to accomplish some things in the kitchen while he was occupied. On that front, "Baby Jail" was introduced today. A neighbor's son was here when I made the decision for sanity purposes to put up the pack n play. Collin called it baby jail and it stuck. Ty is just so busy I can't get anything done quickly because I am constantly interrupted to get him out of something. It bought me a few minutes.

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