Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

My sister's boys are hilarious. Brennen is 5 and spent Mother's Day asking Theresa when it was going to be Father's Day. He literally wanted a count down. Mason, the most rotten three year old ever, told her she could have one kiss for Mother's Day, but Daddy could have a billion! There is no mercy for the mommy  most days.They criticize her for wearing pink because "that's a girl color". She still needs to point out that she is a girl! When I was shopping for Brennen's first birthday, I called to ask for ideas. She laughed and said, "it doesn't matter, just get two of whatever it is because he'll just bang them together". Brennen was the first boy in our family so seeing him develop so differently from the girls was always fun (for me anyway).

I used to struggle with Mother's Day. Greg and I  really don't exchange gifts. We'd both rather have time spent together or something nice done for us. It's been years since we've had birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts. However, Greg doesn't plan anything for Mother's Day, Nothing. I used to get myself into quite a pity party over that. He is a wonderful man and I know he loves and appreciates me. Two years ago, I told everyone up front that I wasn't cooking, getting dressed or cleaning that day. They needed to plan accordingly. I was taking matters into my own hands. Well, Erin called that morning from her friend's house inviting me to a "formal tea" that her sisters were not invited to. Really? How nice to think of your sisters in such a loving way. Her friends had also invited their mothers so I didn't think I could refuse the offer. I got dressed up, went out in cold rain and arrived at the "formal tea" to be presented with a voice recorded card that let me know that I was old. (Got to love 13 year olds!) Nice. There was no tea, no food and no one else was dressed up. After 15 minutes, I went home to find all my other children were still hungry and Greg was waiting on me to see what they should eat. The day went like any other day and I went to bed sulking that night. Greg was perplexed. We don't "do gifts". It finally occurred to me, I am the planner. I am the one that makes sure I serve special meals to celebrate people and events. I am a mom. That is what I do. He is dad and he doesn't think or act like mom. God made us this way. In all honesty, my family is spoiled and I created that. Most of the time, I love spoiling them. Every once in awhile, I want to be spoiled back. But, I no longer expect anything more than a few scribbled cards the kids throw together when I have them sign or make cards for their grandmothers. This year, Erin, who is now a more considerate 15 year old, informed her dad on Saturday night that I would wake up to tea and omelets this year. It was wonderful. Kate made a card at church Saturday night that had blanks to fill in. She says I am 46 feet tall and weigh 10 pounds. The sweetest part was where she noted that she likes helping me cook lunch and dinner. I like that too. Erin colored a picture that thanked me for running this zoo. It was a beautiful day.

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