Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am not cut out to be the mother of twins!

As much fun as I had playing with Ty and Avry, I was torn too many times about whose needs to meet in one particular moment. Avry missed his mommy and Ty was unsure of the little appendage I grew suddenly that was his size and occupying his mommy's hip. Makenna was a HUGE help. I don't know what I would have done without her. It took 4 days but on the last day of our little adventure, both babies napped at the same time! Kate and I got some reading and snuggle time during that nap. Ty watched Avry very closely as he is up and walking everywhere. Ty just took two steps to his Daddy....I knew it was only a matter of time before he tried it now that he's seen it is possible!
We visited several friends and family members throughout the week. My parents over indulged the kids with treats, of course. Dad's fish was requested and enjoyed. Mom was able to take a day off and took Lauren shopping which was a big blessing for me because shopping with teenagers is not one of my favorite past times. Honestly, shopping at all anymore is not something I enjoy. They got to spend one evening with the Baughmans while I relaxed and had dinner with two of my favorite people, Jill and Cherie. I cannot tell you how refreshed I felt after that meal! When I returned to pick up the kids, they were wound up. I was really surprised by their energy levels and need to fuss at one another. It wasn't until the next day I heard about the candy pizza with ice cream and suddenly understood! Grandma will get to keep them for the entire night next time if she wants to over do the treats! We had lunch with Pam and Kenny one day. They allowed the big girls to stay with them and see our old neighborhood. Seeing how much their friends have changed in 4 years was a surprise. Everyone said Makenna has changed the most since we moved away. Kate was just a baby when we left so the sight of her was a real shock. On our last day, we headed to Jill's to have lunch and see Aaron and their new puppy, Peyton. She is a sweetie! The girls were in love at first sight. We also squeezed in a short lunch with the Hummel family.....boy have they all grown up in the last few years! Their new addition is as sweet as they come! As usual, there were so many others we would have liked to have seen, but time is always an issue.

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