Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Integrity is defined as 1. Moral uprightness; honesty. 2. Wholeness; soundness

I was told to watch the local news last night for coverage of the school board meeting. I won't typically watch local news because I don't think most of the coverage is newsworthy. That said, I did watch the first few minutes last night to catch this particular story. I was so sad. I wish I had gone to the meeting so I could have spoken up. This is the third time I have watched local politics at work and left shaking my head. This community is self proclaimed to be "good Christians" and yet, every time they are faced with a conflict or feel they are being slighted in some way, they publicly crucify those who are trying to lead. We are so blessed to live in one of the best school districts in the state. Our kids have the best resources available to them. The government changed the way our schools are funded which is changing the budget in a HUGE way. The leadership who has thus far, provided an amazing education to our kids is now facing an enormous challenge. Rather than coming along side them and asking how we as a community can support them, local parents were screaming, condemning and accusing this team of horrendous and outrageous lies. I continue to be amazed by the local people who live for the show of being Christian yet will stop at nothing to gain what they want. I suppose that since I moved here from Ohio where school funding issues are always in the news, I just cannot see how people can treat others like this, especially since they are not responsible for the situation. Locals just don't know how blessed they are.....I removed my children from public school in early elementary school in Ohio because of all the funding cuts that prevented them from helping my daughter who has learning delays and because it was a very liberal school system with ideals that were contradictory to our Christian values. Erin's freshman year has shown us that this school system is truly looking out for the best interest of their students. That isn't to say that we haven't had discussions at home to work through minor conflicts, but overall, this experience has been positive. I wish I had been there to say this publicly, but I wasn't. Facebook and my blog will have to serve as that voice for now.

Speaking of integrity, I have been blessed by true friendship. Kristin, Cherie and Jill have been friends of mine since High School or in Jill's case, since 1994 when I met my High School sweetheart's girlfriend and deemed her "Perfect" for him! At no point have we questioned each others concern for each other. We have never had to think about their motivations. We know we are loved and cared about. Enough said. If we feel there is something out of place in someone's life, we address it in love. We are honest with each other and there aren't any worries about who's saying what when the other isn't there.....The funny thing is that we all have different religious beliefs and philosophies about life in general. I love each of these ladies like my sister, who is also rather wonderful. Thank you Lord for showing me that I am so blessed to be supported and loved by some awesome ladies.

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