Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm not sure that should be the title of this entry, but I am amused.....isn't always something? I suppose it will be that way until the end of time on earth as we know it, but boy oh boy, what does God want me to learn now? I suppose the ongoing need to learn patience will continue since I am apparently a slow learner! Our fridge started acting up a few weeks ago. It would get warm and then cool back down again. We did this 4 times in three weeks when I ever so sweetly arm wrestled my husband into calling someone! We have been blessed to have an honest repair man who has had to make so many trips to my house the neighbors are likely talking! (Yes it is THAT kind of neighborhood!) Anyway, poor Jeff has to say, "I've got some bad news" every time he's here! Of course you do Jeff! That is the way we do things around here! Remember the Emperor's Golden touch? Everything he touched turned to gold. Well, I've decided we've got the "Baughman Broken Touch".....you get the picture! I am grateful for all the things we can break....really I am. I recently read The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns and was so convicted of my self centeredness. Just living in a nation where we can freely complain about our government and load up our grocery carts in our old but reliable mini vans and keep fresh food in our sometimes functioning refrigerators has us among the richest in the world. Thank you Lord for the gentle reminder and for Jeff who is probably perplexed that I keep laughing when he says he has bad news!

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