Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Total Cuteness

Erin took Makenna with her to a high school basketball game tonight. We've been stir crazy this week with entirely too much snow so getting out to socialize a bit appealed to them both. They looked so cute in matching Floyd Central tee shirts. Makenna felt like a big shot getting attention from Erin's high school friends.

Ty's face is clearing is still obviously there but improving. He doesn't seem to notice and takes it all in stride. He's using his toy basket to stand. His favorite new skill is climbing. All people and toys are speed bumps to be conquered. He is crawling forward finally but still not efficiently. I think he's just in too big a hurry. His newest silly facial expression has him sticking his tongue out as far as it will go and leaving it there. He has it out of his mouth more than in....which complicates him clearing up the impetigo!

I went through Kate's outgrown clothes in hopes of willing Spring to arrive! She's grown so much in the last 6 months! I packed up some of our favorites for a friend's daughter. Included in the box are American Girl outfits three of the girls wore. As I folded them one last time I felt time stand still for just a brief moment. I could just as easily see little Lauren wearing them as Kate who just outgrew them. Time flies all too quickly when I look at the kids. It just doesn't seem possible to have two beautiful teenagers....they were just little girls.

On a "not so cute" front, our fridge appears to be going isn't even 4 years old yet! Honestly, is ANYTHING made to last? I literally prayed over it tonight in hopes it is an easy repair. We got a lead on an honest repair man....that is more than half the battle in this day and age, another sad statement about our world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow....I only have one and already thinks he grows to quickly! I rememeber American Girl, I wore those clothes as well..and Ty seems to be real mobile!
