Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy week

Ty had his 6 month check up today....we were a month and a half late because our pediatrician had an emergency that took her out of the country for three weeks and then we delayed it while Ty was on antibiotics for impetigo. Anyway, our big bundle weighed in at an impressive 19 lbs 1 ounce. He was in the 75% for weight. He is 28 5/8 inches long (90%)! He is hitting 9 month milestones and is predicted to be walking before his first birthday. The appointment went well. He likes Dr. Rezaei.

My little decorative end table went into time out Thursday. Ty has been interested in knocking it over when he's being held on the couch or in my rocking chair. This week he decided he also likes pulling it over when he's on the floor. For safety reasons, the table is in time out. I miss having a place for my cup of tea.....Ty's not concerned.

We had a little guest all week. Sarah stayed with us while her mommy and baby brother were in the hospital. She is 4 years old and Kate loved having "a lot of sleepovers" with her. By last night, they were bickering like sisters! Both girls cried when it was time for her to go home this evening. Baby Matthew appears to be doing better as well.

Greg's parents visited yesterday. They are home from Florida for a few days. The weather in Dayton does not encourage them to visit more often! It has been a crazy winter!

Erin started her new job last night. She's given up babysitting after school and is now assisting a coach in a local gym teaching three year old gymnastics. She loved it. She is working for some spending money and gym time. She's thrilled for the opportunity. Right now, she works on Thursday evenings but will be needed more this summer.

Greg was in a minor fender bender this morning....not a good day for him. Praise the Lord no one was hurt and the damage to the vehicles was minor.

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