Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chatter Box Kate

Kate and I had tickets to see Jack Frost at the Derby Dinner Playhouse this morning. We had plenty of time to sit and enjoy a muffin and some tea prior to the show since I allowed a lot of extra travel time due to the crazy weather and rush hour traffic. She had so much to say! It was non stop chatter for 45 solid minutes! I didn't get any more words in than "uh-huh" over and over! She went off on a tangent about how much she loves Santa. "Mom, I love Santa. He is so cool. I think he's like my best friend. I want to give him another hug. Don't you like Santa? Can I visit him again? Is he always at the mall? What are we doing tomorrow? He is awesome." and on and on......that covered no more than 30 seconds of the 45 minutes we had together prior to the show! Santa then showed up on stage! She was so excited! She could not resist sneaking in a quick wave...which seems totally acceptable given their new "best friend" status! It was fun to spend the time with her.

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