Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksgiving Memory

I am glad to know I did not scar my children for life last Thanksgiving when I fed them dinner at the Meijer deli because it was the only thing open! I had terrible morning sickness for weeks and Greg was working. We couldn't find an open restaurant and there was no food in the house. I must have looked rough because the clerk gave us extra pieces of chicken! This all came back to me tonight when the kids declared that we HAD to have turkey for Thanksgiving because it is tradition! Now that I have refreshed their memories, Erin has determined we HAVE to go back to Meijer and eat in their deli! Since Greg will be working again this year, I think homemade pizzas will be perfect...I'd have to be as sick as I was last year to consider Meijer's fried chicken again!So, I am thankful for kind clerks and fun kids.

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