Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ty's Appointment

Ty is doing really well! His hemoglobin is all the way up to 10.5!!! That is over a point increase in just under two weeks! We are optimistic enough to schedule his next hematology appointment two MONTHS out! He will have one CBC done on the 26th to make sure he is still maintaining unless he is symptomatic before. He giggled and grinned for the nurses and "talked" quite a bit too. His biggest talent at the moment is blowing bubbles! He typically sleeps through the night but occasionally wakes up at 4am for a feeding. When he wakes up, it is only for 40 minutes or so to eat and then he goes right back down. Yesterday was an exception. He talked and laughed until around 6am. He was in his crib, alone, in the dark having a great time! I loved the sweet sounds coming from his room.

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